Let's be honest, some of the information is just fluff while certainly a portion of the information can actually be of use to consumers. Clearly, some dealer websites are more user-friendly, cleaner, impactful, and effective.
But, there seems to be one thing that is consistently missing from many dealership websites. In fact, it seems somewhat disturbing given how many websites I have visited preparing for this article.
So, what is missing you ask?
The most important part of the dealership!! THE STAFF...
I could go on and on about the why's and the how's and the maybe's, but there is no need to belabor a simple point with a lengthy dissertation. I believe one can speculate that dealers often times simply feel more comfortable not showing their staff members to the public. Not attractive? Someone might recognize an ex-con? There is so much turnover that the photog can't keep up? Who knows...
Nope folks, this is a short one. If a car dealer is not willing to market themselves by proudly displaying their staff, chances are very strong that they probably have plenty to hide. Slice it and dice it how you like, but buying a car and the whole car ownership experience is still very much a people-oriented enterprise. I am very troubled by any dealer who hides themselves or their staff from view. It wreaks of something sinister.
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